by Barbara | Food + Recipes
Our household has yet to meet our summer’s quota of ice cream consumption (hint: it’s a lot). Happily, eCreamery, makers of that awesome custom ice cream we love, is supporting our earnest attempt to wear out our home ice cream maker this summer with their...
by Barbara | Food + Recipes
It’s awesome that so many people are eating in a more mindful fashion, making organic and sustainable choices as they are able, but that’s also made food a lot more complicated — and limiting. Allergies and dye-avoidance issues mean giving up...
by Barbara | Books for Kids
I’ve never been a big fan of personalized books. Books on their own can be so magical – why would I need my child worked into the plot somehow? There are a few personalized books for kids that we’ve reviewed that do the job beautifully, but in most...
by Barbara | Food + Recipes
I am an earnest, but distracted gardener. I have a garden box in my yard, one withholding lemon tree, and an egg carton (maybe) sprouting herbs on my windowsill. I’ve also grown a fungus or two, but it’s always been accidental and I never tried to eat...
by Barbara | Uncategorized
If you have yet to visit, there’s a deliciously gorgeous, high-end new site for the foodies mamas among us: Gilt Taste. It’s like everything that’s great about Gilt plus everything that was great about Gourmet. Gilt Taste in fact is helmed by...
by Barbara | Toys + Playthings
It’s not often you feel you really get to help nurture the seed of an idea as it develops into an independent business. We’ve mentioned how much we love Kickstarter as the place to help fund creative projects, and now there’s a new one that you...
by Barbara | Books for Adults
I say we all need more poetry in our lives, but poetry so often seems to be one of those tricky things, like an exotic fruit. You enjoy it when you come across it, but it’s not part of your regular consumption, especially when you are a harried mom. Which is a...