by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
I have a great set of hand-me-down dishes from my childhood ‚Äì plates, cups, teapots, silverware — the works. However, there’s one big problem when my girls try to have a pretend picnic or tea party: no play food to speak of.I’ve been looking for...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
Dirty fingers. Dirty butts. Dirty all of the above! Being a mom means wiping pretty much everything so why not do it in style? Introducing the chic for cheeks, Made by Angie handmade baby wipe containers – for the savvy Mom who’s tired of the...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
Hard to believe, but your computer’s MP3 player can be more than a repository of embarrassing one-hit wonders and Lite FM ballads. It can also be a source for encouraging your children’s love of literature. We’ve found a fantastic site for...
by Cool Mom Team | Entertainment + Media
The true test of a purchase-worthy kids cd is whether you would listen to it on your own. And as a certified Bob Marley junkie, I think I’ve died and gone to dreadlock heaven. Putumayo’s Reggae Playgound will have you "jammin" to some cool reggae...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Feeling a little disappointed with that Dr. Expert parenting book that everyone raved about? Would you rather have a root canal sans novocaine than listen to yet another round of “well-meaning” advice from your mother-in-law? Does it seem like NOBODY on...
by Cool Mom Team | Doing Good
Do you honestly think you are ever going to pull out your old 6th grade band saxophone and play a little "Tequila" for your family and friends? And please don’t tell me you plan on taking lessons again or are saving it for your kids. I have a feeling...
by Cool Mom Team | Doing Good
While it’s nice to see your spousal unit wiggle and squirm in an attempt to figure out what the heck to get you for mother’s day, I imagine you probably don’t need yet another "I Love Mom" necklace or beaded stretch bracelet. So, why not...
by Cool Mom Team | Kid Style
If I see another baby wearing those ubiquitous soft-leather soled shoes, I may lose it. Sure the fairy princesses and blue songbirds are kind of cute, but let’s face it, they’re getting overplayed. And if you’re anything like me, it’s kind of...