Tastes Like Chicken

Tastes Like Chicken

I have a great set of hand-me-down dishes from my childhood ‚Äì plates, cups, teapots, silverware — the works. However, there’s one big problem when my girls try to have a pretend picnic or tea party: no play food to speak of.I’ve been looking for...


Dirty fingers. Dirty butts. Dirty all of the above! Being a mom means wiping pretty much everything so why not do it in style? Introducing the chic for cheeks, Made by Angie handmade baby wipe containers – for the savvy Mom who’s tired of the...
We’re Not Only Cool, but a Little Crazy to Boot

We’re Not Only Cool, but a Little Crazy to Boot

We here at Cool Mom Picks understand the important role of the television in your home. How else would you pee in peace and have a great excuse to put off that last load of laundry? But, we also know that sometimes, the boob tube can begin to rule the household and...
The Parenthacks website: That Wasn’t In The Manual

The Parenthacks website: That Wasn’t In The Manual

Feeling a little disappointed with that Dr. Expert parenting book that everyone raved about? Would you rather have a root canal sans novocaine than listen to yet another round of “well-meaning” advice from your mother-in-law? Does it seem like NOBODY on...
Cloth Diapers Made Very Easy. Really.

Cloth Diapers Made Very Easy. Really.

Cloth diapers are back, baby, and they aren’t anything like the leaky versions of yesteryear. No huge scary pins or fancy folding skills required. The Very Basic All in One diaper from Very Baby is as easy as cloth diapering gets. These dipes are almost like...
There’s a New Shoe in Town

There’s a New Shoe in Town

If I see another baby wearing those ubiquitous soft-leather soled shoes, I may lose it. Sure the fairy princesses and blue songbirds are kind of cute, but let’s face it, they’re getting overplayed. And if you’re anything like me, it’s kind of...