by Julie | Books for Adults
We’re longtime fans of Meagan Francis of The Happiest Home here at Cool Mom Picks. Beyond Baby, her latest guide and accompanying workbook, makes another wonderful resource for parents, offering productive and calming exercises to help them make the transition...
by Julie | Helpful Services
One of the greatest resources on AlphaMom — a wonderful site full of great resources, published by friend of CMP Isabel Kallman — has to be the Zero to Forty pregnancy calendar, for wonderful week by week support and humor. It was originally written by Amy...
by Julie | Cards + Stationery
Count me in the camp of Valentine’s Day cynics. It’s not that I object to the sentiment and the sugar, but I don’t need to set aside a special day to cover my family in kisses and stuff my face with chocolate — both are everyday occurrences...
by Julie | Food + Recipes
If you’re like me, there’s a bunch of people to whom you’d like to give a little something for the holidays, but they aren’t quite up to the level of say, a cashmere sweater. I usually whip up some handmade holiday food gifts in the kitchen,...