by Julie | Kitchen + Dining
We all have our pet peeves, and one of mine happens to be spelling and grammar. Even a text message with they’re/there/their used incorrectly is enough to make me cringe. (To say nothing of all the pitches we receive daily that assure us “mom’s will...
by Julie | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
We’ve been huge supporters of the amazing charity Baby Buggy since we discovered them in 2011, and we’re always ready to help spread the word about the wonderful services they provide. They’ve got a huge challenge ahead of them this fall, and...
by Julie | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
We’re big fans of supporting fair trade at Cool Mom Picks, and it’s always fun to find new artisans whose creations we adore. Personally, I love buying fair trade items because responsible purchases make me feel even better about shopping, which is already...
by Julie | Food + Recipes
I love to throw parties for my kids, especially with inspiration from all the great party ideas here on Cool Mom Picks. In particular, I’m always on the lookout for activities where our guests can make cool stuff that they’ll actually want to take home...
by Julie | Cards + Stationery
I’m a huge fan of email, instant messaging, text messaging, direct messaging, and wishing people happy birthday on Facebook. If there’s a way to reach out and touch someone with kind words, hey, I support it. But a handwritten note is still my favorite way...
by Julie | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
After learning about earlier this year, I’m happy to say that I’m no longer caught off guard on a monthly basis. In fact, you may have have seen the hilarious HelloFlo Camp Gyno video that’s circulating this week–but behind the...