We discover so much incredible, inspiring talent from artists and craftspeople every day, that this just may be one of the hardest categories to cull down. Just imagine that we’re choosing a few picks of the year and that we’ve got about a 355-way tie for second, right in our archives.
Kristen: Since we first discovered Idea Paint, I’ve become a little obsessed figuring out how I can make it work in my home. I suppose since my kids already write on the walls, it would be nice to be able to easily wipe it all up with a wet cloth when they’re done.

Liz: It’s art, it’s decor, it’s a nightlight, and it’s eco-friendly. It’s called a k?telight and the whole line of them are simply awesome.

Kristen: I’m digging the kids’ furniture from notNeutral, which combines style and function with eco-friendly materials, and works indoors or out.

Liz: I’m doing everything in my power to make enough room in my girls’ small bedroom for the Oeuf Toy Store storage shelves. I love that it gives children easy, eye-level access to their toys–for both playing with them and then putting them away when they’re done.

Kristen: 2009 has been the Year of the Owl in artwork, if not Chinese astrology, so no surprise I really like what artist Linda Solovic has done with the little guys in her limited edition collage prints.

Liz: Who says decorating the baby’s room with nursery rhymes can’t be totally cool? Not sub-studio, that’s for sure. (And look! More owls!)

Kristen: Sometimes familiar characters make for great nursery decor, like the original illustrations and signed giclee prints at Picture Book Originals from children’s favorite illustrators like Rosemary Wells.

Kristen: Because we love decor you get more than a year or two out of, check out the Olli & Lime toddler bedding which will still be cool even when your kids are old enough to really care what’s covering their beds.

Liz: The modern quilts from Got Me In Stitches are sublime, and will look as great over that crib rail now as they do in a few years over the first twin bed. Can’t say that about that Big Bird bedspread.