There’s a fine line between too cute and too dark, a special gray area where only the hippest fear to tread. Artist Emily Martin of TheBlackApple is there, jitterbugging in her tiny red slippers.
There’s something for everyone in this fabulous hodgepodge of creative legerdemain. Original paintings and affordable prints. Paper dolls and notecards. This adorable set of notebooks featuring Little Red and her Wolfboy. And the hedgehog bookplates are too kawaii to quit.
From strange and gothy girls to pirates, the Loch Ness monster, and dancing bears, the artwork has appeal for a wide range of ages from nursery decor to emo teens to hipster parents. And I love that you can spring for an original work of art or fall in love with a reasonably priced print or doodad. My, what big eyes I have. ~Delilah
Visit TheBlackApple on Etsy, or check out Inside the Black Apple blog.