Every year, I take a look at the Environmental Working Group’s report on the best safe sunscreens for kids and babies. This list measures popular brands against the EWG’s standards, including everything from worrisome ingredients to false marketing claims.

Not every top-ranked tube of lotion is the same value for the dollar, though, so I’ve broken down all 19 of their best safe sunscreens for kids by price per ounce. Because I’ll bet there are other parents like me, who want safe products for their kids but don’t feel the need to spend more money than necessary.

Top photo: © Kate Etue for Cool Mom Picks


Keep in mind:

This report includes only the sunscreens that ranked a score 1 (the least risk of toxic ingredients) according to their criteria, and they had to have the word “baby” or “kids” in the name of the product.

So, don’t panic if you have a favorite safe sunscreen that’s not on here. It might be ranked a still-incredibly-safe 2 or 3, or might not be specifically for kids.

Our 2015 list of the safest sunscreens has even more options that might be a good fit for your whole family, or just look up your favorite brand in their skin deep database to get more details.

Also know that, as much as we love the EWG, we tend to take their ratings with a tiny grain of salt, because they consider everything from troubling ingredients like phthalates, to aspects that may not bother you as much, like the impact the packaging has on the environment.

You can read even more of our disclaimers about their lists at our 2016 comparison of best sunscreens.

Related: Common mistakes parents make when applying sunscreen on kids and how to fix them.

Bottom line:

We appreciate watchdog groups like the EWG working to improve a pretty unregulated industry, but we also acknowledge that the SPF protection from an effective but lower-ranked sunscreen for kids is definitely better than no sunscreen at all. Especially if $7 per ounce doesn’t fit in your budget. (Eep!)

So, to help you get the most out of your sunscreen this summer, here are the top 19 2017 EWG Best Kids’ Sunscreens, ranked by the best value for your dollar.

For every sunscreen listed here, we’ve linked to the size that’s the best value. It may be a single tube, or the value pack of 3. But since you should apply roughly one full ounce of sunscreen to your kids each time for best protection, you will use up those value packs sooner than you’d think.

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2017 EWG best safe sunscreens for kids and babies: Neutrogena Pure & Free Baby Sunscreen, SPF 50


Top Baby Sunscreens

Neutrogena Pure & Free Baby Sunscreen, SPF 50 | $12.15 for 3-pack of 3 oz bottles | price per ounce: $1.35
(you can save up to 15% more by choosing Amazon Subscribe & Save for this item) UPDATE: We previously showed an incorrect version of the Neutrogena Pure & Free Baby Sunscreen (above), apologies for any confusion. If you choose this brand, be sure you get the SPF 50 and not the SPF 60, which has a poor rating, and is on this year’s worst scoring sunscreens for kids list.

Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen Baby, SPF 30+ | $25.36 for 8.75 oz | price per ounce: $2.89

Babytime! by Episencial Sunny Sunscreen, SPF 35 | $9.65 for 2.7 oz | price per ounce: $3.57

Bare Republic Baby Mineral Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 50 | $14.99 for 3.4 oz | price per ounce: $4.40

Adorable Baby Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30+ |$19.75 for 4.3 oz | price per ounce: $4.59

Related: The best bug sprays for Zika virus protection and how to apply them safely.

  2017 EWG best safe sunscreens for kids and babies: Badger Baby Sunscreen Cream SPF 30

Badger Baby Sunscreen Cream, SPF 30 | $13.59 for 2.9 oz | price per ounce: $4.68 UPDATE: We updated the image (above) and shopping link.

Tom’s of Maine Baby Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30 | $14.70 for 3 oz | price per ounce: $4.90
(you can save up to 15% more by choosing Amazon Subscribe & Save for this item)

Goddess Garden Organics Baby Natural Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30 | $16.95 for 3.4 oz | price per ounce: $4.99

Aveeno Baby Continuous Protection Sensitive Skin Lotion Sunscreen, SPF 50 | $47.95 for a 3-pack of 3 oz bottles | price per ounce: $5.32

California Baby Super Sensitive Sunscreen, SPF 30+ | $39.08 for 6 oz | price per ounce: $6.51

Related: The very best beach umbrellas and tents for families, after a ton of research


2017 EWG best safe sunscreens for kids and babies: All Terrain KidSport Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30

Top Kid Sunscreens

All Terrain KidSport Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30 | $14.35 for 6 oz | price per ounce: $2.39

Caribbean Sol Sol Kid Kare, SPF 30 | $17.99 for 6 oz | price per ounce: $2.99

BurnOut KIDS Sunscreen, SPF 35 | $11.98 for 3.4 oz | price per ounce: $3.52

ThinkSport Kids Sunscreen, SPF 50+ | $10.87 for 3 oz | price per ounce: $3.62
(you can save up to 15% more by choosing Amazon Subscribe & Save for this item)

Related: Kids sunglasses that blend style with UVA/UVB protection


2017 EWG best safe sunscreens for kids and babies: Kiss My Face Organics Kids Sunscreen, SPF 30

Kiss My Face Organics Kids Sunscreen, SPF 30 | $14.65 for 3.4 oz | price per ounce: $4.30
(you can save up to 15% more by choosing Amazon Subscribe & Save for this item)

All Good Kid’s Sunscreen, SPF 30 | $15.99 for 3 oz | price per ounce: $5.33

TruKid Sunny Days Sport Sunscreen, SPF 30 | $18.95 for 3.5 oz | price per ounce: $5.41

Sunumbra Sunkids Natural Sunscreen, SPF 40 | $28.70 for 3.5 oz | price per ounce (with coupon): $6.56
(20% off with code SUNUMBRA20SPECIAL, limited time)

Sunology Natural Sunscreen Kids, SPF 50 | $14.24 for 2 oz | price per ounce: $7.12
(you can currently save up to 15% by buying multiple tubes at once, saving almost $1 per ounce)


Visit the EWG list of Best Kids’ Sunscreens for 2017 for more information about the product details and how they were selected. For more on kid- and baby-specific sunscreens, check out the complete EWG 11th Annual Guide to Sunscreen, which also includes outstanding products rated in the 1–3 range.

Please note: Almost all of these product prices are based on current Amazon Prime pricing or the best prices we could find online at time of publishing. Prices may, and will, fluctuate. Shipping costs may not be factored in. And of course you may be able to find any of these products for a little more — or a little less — through other retailers including your local drugstore. Keep an eye out for sales or discounts for buying in bulk!