If your kids’ book covers or school folders are looking a little plain this early in the school year, take a look at the cool social justice stickers we’ve just discovered from new, teen-led Etsy shop Gen Z for Equity.
The stickers were all designed by creative 15-year old student Bela, whose mom, Nirasha Kumar, happened to have written the enlightening article Celebrating Diwali in a Country That Hardly Knows it Exists. Bella herself is dedicated to making our world a more equitable, and she’s chosen to work toward this by speaking out about injustice and bigotry, then donating profits from her designs to the NAACP so that they can continue to fight against racism in all areas.
Related: Gen Z: They’re not snowflakes, they’re warriors. Here’s the data to prove it.
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The pack of five social justice stickers all feature important messages, from the powerful “racism is a pandemic” message written across a face mask to “liberty and justice for ALL” printed on a swirly rainbow background. This set also includes quotes from the late Representative John Lewis and Dr. King along with a Gen Z for Equity logo sticker.
They’re fantastic little gifts for your kids, or we’d grab a set for teens’ stockings this Christmas, now that they’ve outgrown the goofy little-kid stuff.
I’ve long thought that Gen Z is the generation that could turn this ship around so to speak. After all, my kids and their peers have all grown up encouraged to “see something, say something,” and so it’s not a huge surprise that they’re “saying something” now. From marching in protests, writing to their representatives about their top issues, participating in school walkouts, and encouraging voting registration — even before they can vote, Gen Z is not afraid to speak out against inequalities in our society with the hopes of making it better for more of us.
Keep an eye on this shop: Bella is just getting started, and I can’t wait to see what she does next.