by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
When it comes to baby gifts, I’m a huge fan of matching sets. Unfortunately they generally fall into one of two camps: the Little Brown Bear category, and the Trying Hard to be Funny (But Failing) category. And there is that rare category I call, Gotta Have It....
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
Frequent readers of CMP will know that we’re not a big fan of barnyard animals on the kid duds, but we do love all things creepy, crawly, and traditionally unloved. So of course we were instantly smitten with the Beasty Baby monster rompers at indie emporium...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
When my daughter is a bit older, she’s definitely going to be embarrassed by the nicknames I’ve given her, some of which are so long and absurd, they sound like a combination of Russian and Chinese as said by a person rolling marbles around in her mouth....
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
I love getting my tees for my friends’ kids because I know they actually get worn. (Unlike a few of the things we’ve received–enough said?) But a gift needs to be something a little more special than your average, run-of-the mill Hanes undershirt...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
Fall is in the air and I can almost smell the school lunches. Okay, so my toddler isn’t going to high school anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean I can’t dress her like alittle varsity superstar. Take these personalized varsity tees created by Karen,...