A Super Bowl requires super cupcakes
It’s Super Bowl Sunday(tm), that day of pigs-in-a-blanket, three-million dollar commercials featuring talking animals, and of course, Puppy Bowl. Also there’s a football game. Or so we hear. Without any Green Bay or Pittsburgh mamas among us, we’re...
You can heart punch all over my page, any day.
We’re perpetual fans of Martha Stewart’s craft supplies and if you’re a DIY-er, it’s a good investment for Valentine’s Cards and crafts this month. Their new heart punch aptly called Heart Punch All Over the Page lets you achieve the...
Love, cupcakes, and other indoor sports.
For some reason my daughter has been obsessed with the idea of make your own cupcakes lately. Oh wait…I remember why. Because cupcakes are good. Or at least they’re supposed to be. We’ve tried a few DIY kits recently have been hardly worth the...
Now your daughter can wear her heart in her hair
Most girls–my own daughter included–have lots of these little metal snap barrettes lying around and, if you happen to be a crafty type, you probably also have some pretty wool felt at home, too. If so, in just about 15 minutes you can make a couple of...
The Makerie – Like summer camp for crafty moms
A long time ago before there were many children under my feet, I was actually pretty crafty. Yes, I even used to knit! But sadly, I’m hard pressed to find the time these days. That’s why I’m so jealous of all you moms who might be able to attend The...
DIY shirts that’ll tickle kids’ octopi fancies
My 3-year-old is currently in the full throes of wanting to be an artiste. Paints, crayons, felt, tissue paper, googly eyes, she wants to do it all — especially if she can wear a beret at the same time. And now there’s a new shop offering DIY shirt...
Make your own adorable monster army
We’re installing a hook-and-eye on my daughter’s closet today because she’s desperately convinced that the Gremlins live in there and come out to mess up her room each night. I don’t buy it. But here’s a book of monsters that I’m...
3 kids calendars that start the year off a little wild
It’s up to me to keep my kids’ schedules straight, but they still love to count down the days until the next big event, whether that day is a Saturday, their birthday, or the next candy holiday (Valentine’s Day, for the record).Instead of giving them...
A chore chart that doesn’t look like a chore.
The chore chart that has worked the best for my family so far been a (not-so-pretty) laminated list with my kids’ pictures that I made myself. But even then, I can’t really add or change jobs unless I make a whole new chart, which made them obsolete a few...
2011 calendars that are printable. And pretty. And free.
I love looking at a fresh, crisp, blank calendar. There’s something about it so filled with promise–and unfilled with scribbles and scratch-outs and reminders of stressful days. I think our friends at Red Stamp Cards feel the same way, since they’re...