by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
The cool thing about Grandparents Day is that if you have grandparents like my kids do, it doesn’t take a whole lot to make their day. So on the outside chance you were a little busy this week with back-to-school and Labor Day and hurricanes and things–and...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
September is upon us, friends, and we’re celebrating with cool tech at Cool Mom Tech. (Of course!) Whether you need a quick app to entertain your preschooler in the carpool line or a surge protector to keep six laptops humming, we’ve got it for you....
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
Going to the big BlogHer conference in San Diego in August? So are we! And what’s better, we’re hosting an awesome discussion with two of our favorite ever bloggers, Alice Bradley of Finslippy, and Eden Kennedy of Fussy–also the authors of the...
by Christina Refford | Cool Tech
As soon as I heard Charlie Hope’s first CD, and then her lovely collection of lullabies, I was struck by how absolutely clear, real and pretty her voice is–especially in contrast with all the robotic autotune vocals this mama of a pop-music loving...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
This is a sponsored message from DK PublishingIt’s an amazing feeling to watch your child develop a love of reading and learning, especially if you’ve always been a bookworm yourself. But if your son or daughter needs a little more coaxing (especially as...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
We love how tech isn’t just for speaker-geek guys any more. It’s smarter, it’s inspired by nature, and it solves some of a mama’s most basic problems in a chic way. If you haven’t been visiting Cool Mom Tech lately, here are some of this...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
Happy Mother’s Day to all you cool moms out there! When the pancakes are all eaten and the house miraculously cleaned without your help, here are some posts for you to lie back and enjoy while the kids massage your feet. They were all culled together for their...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
This morning, our editor-in-chief Liz Gumbinner sat down with The Early Show on CBS to talk about the new Babycenter study on moms and mobile phones. If you want to catch the segment–and some of her recommendations for popular apps for parents that she mentioned...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
It’s been truly an honor to be a part of the More Birthdays campaign from our amazing sponsor, the American Cancer Society. Not only is it a cause near and dear to all of our hearts, but we’re so impressed with the generous mega-stars and artists...
by Lexi Petronis | Baby, Cool Tech
So this adorable thing happened the other day with my preschooler and baby. It was really adorable. It happened and I said to myself, “Self, remember this so you can write it down after they’re in bed.” ….Yeah. If I could only remember...
by Elizabeth | Baby, Cool Tech
My first daughter’s baby book is a masterpiece of elaborate details, funny stories and photos. But my second child’s baby book? Almost empty. Every time I open it, I’m overwhelmed by all those blank pages and I’m struck with such intense...