14 x 24 inches of Patriotism

14 x 24 inches of Patriotism

With a family of two girls and one boy, decorating a playroom with a gender neutral theme is a bit more complicated than it sounds. But thanks to the new limited edition travel poster series from design studio The Heads of State, I’m no longer at a loss for...
A book of one’s own

A book of one’s own

As a former buyer of books for a chain of toy stores, it’s pretty much redundant for me to tell you that my children have amassed quite the library. But when you’re five (or, say, twenty-nine-and-a-half years older than five), you can sometimes be a little...
And a very happy vernal equinox to you too

And a very happy vernal equinox to you too

There were many moments over the past three months that I thought it would never happen but, at long last, spring is here. (Once again: SPRING IS HERE!)My girls and I celebrated yesterday with a trip to the small farmer’s market in our neighborhood, oohing and...
The heart–and art–of a mother

The heart–and art–of a mother

One of the most amazing aspects of being speakers and attendees at the recent Mom 2.0 summit, a conference from the collaborative team of Kirtsy and The Tasteful Life, was the joy of attending the launch of the unbelievable Mom 2.0: Defining a Movement Art Exhibit....
The truth hurts

The truth hurts

I needed a little laugh this week. Just a wee chuckle. And so I clicked over to mom Kiki Parry’s shop, Alternate Greetings, to see which witty bon mots have been popping up on her always pleasing handmade greeting cards. That’s when I stumbled onto this...
Lego my jpg-o

Lego my jpg-o

I am still in the lowly iPhone-less margins of society, although I’m fortunate to have plenty of friends who show me all the coolest new apps I’m missing. Take the free LEGO Photo app, for instance: It will take a regular .jpg photo and turn it into a...
A banner year for nursery design

A banner year for nursery design

If you’ve been in the cool kids boutiques, on the design blogs, or heck, on our site lately, you’d know that banners are a hot new nursery trend. And the freethinking coolies at Blik agree.We’ve covered these hip, do-it-awesome-yourself wall decals...