Bag Ladies

Bag Ladies

With my daughter’s third birthday rapidly approaching, I’m already in party planning mode. While she’s got definite opinions about her cake and party theme, the party favor bags are my territory. Instead of sending kids home with candy that will win...
The Walls They Are A-Changin’

The Walls They Are A-Changin’

It seems to me that what I’m looking for in kids’ room decor has transitioned almost as fast as my son has moved from the infant to the toddler to the kid section. Change is happening and it’s taking my soft, cuddly nursery fabric with it. Someone at...
A Pregnancy Book, Hold the Scary Stuff

A Pregnancy Book, Hold the Scary Stuff

After I peed on the stick and saw those two pink lines, I did what a lot of newly-pregnant women do: I took 157 books off the bookstore shelves, sat myself down and tried to find just one one that echoed my feelings and thoughts about pregnancy. But most just made me...
Showing Off the Kiddos, Old School

Showing Off the Kiddos, Old School

With the digital age upon us, there’s no shortage of pictures of my kids.But unlessI want to myfriends huddling aroundmy laptop,there’s no actual enjoyment of my handiwork (the kids and the photos) to be had. I think it’s high time I develop a few of...
Don’t Miss Another Shot

Don’t Miss Another Shot

I am one of those moms with my camera always at the ready. (Seriously, it’s annoying and when my kids can talk they will tell you as much.) However taking the time to scrounge around for the little black leather case amongst all the other black accessories in my...
Finding Your Child Through Art

Finding Your Child Through Art

My five year old is on a mission to find herself–not through junior self-help seminars, but in every movie poster, magazine ad, or book cover she sees. Mimi will exclaim, "I’ll pretend to be that little girl in the picture, Momma. You can be the...
Because I’m the Mommy, That’s Why

Because I’m the Mommy, That’s Why

It doesn’t seem that long ago that when someone mentioned The Rules, my mind leaped to “don’t accept a Friday date on a Thursday.” As opposed to, “no eating the cat litter, kids.” How quickly things change. The By Order of the...
Dear Mr. Darcy…

Dear Mr. Darcy…

I always feel like a character in a Jane Austen novel when I pull out a box of fancy cards. Like I’m a 21st century Emma. Or Gwyneth Paltrow–in a good way. And with the new Glitzy & Golden cards from Dorothy Teng’s Charlyn Koo Design Studio , I...
Arts and Science

Arts and Science

As part of my ongoing crusade as a lover of science, my girls are exploring the natural world through trips to planetariums or even just finding ladybugs in the backyard. But I never expected that I could encourage science through art. The prints from Katey Nicosia,...
Kids Art With a Longer Shelf Life

Kids Art With a Longer Shelf Life

As I’ve learned rather quickly–too quickly–the artwork you buy for your baby’s nursery might seem…well, babyish in a very short matter of time. Those sweet little Peter Rabbit prints that made you teary when your boy was just a babe in...
Sanity Amidst the Minivans

Sanity Amidst the Minivans

We all love swapping war stories with another mom friend: You share your potty training adventures, she describes her toddler’s attempts to escape from the crib. By conversation’s end you’re laughing, crying, and grateful for the venting that keeps...