One day at a time

One day at a time

Remember how nice it was when you were a kid and got kudos for oh, say, trying your string beans? Making your bed? Brushing your teeth? While we still hopefully commend our own kids for those things (that is, when they do them!), I am simply in love with this...
Keeping the kitchen art gallery alive

Keeping the kitchen art gallery alive

In this era of the stainless steel fridge, there is one problem befuddling even the smartest of parents: where do we hang the kids’ art? Well, fret no more fellow kid-art aficionados, because Petit Collage has a brilliant solution that will change your...
Tell it like it is

Tell it like it is

While there’s no shortage of typographic decals that can spell out messages or phrases on your wall, I’m a little wary when it comes to that stuff. It can be really fabulous if you’ve got a great eye, or it can go horribly, horribly wrong. Still, I...
The easy secret to an artful life.

The easy secret to an artful life.

Do you know what the secret is to raising a child who loves art? Love it yourself, and have it around, and make it, and talk about it. That’s it. Easy. And we’ve found a really easy way to enter the wide world of art, learn about it, and maybe even invite...
The baby book that almost writes itself

The baby book that almost writes itself

My first daughter’s baby book is a masterpiece of elaborate details, funny stories and photos. But my second child’s baby book? Almost empty. Every time I open it, I’m overwhelmed by all those blank pages and I’m struck with such intense...
This week on Cool Mom Tech

This week on Cool Mom Tech

A few recent posts on Cool Mom Tech we think you’ll likeAn Etch-a-Sketch iPad case that will totally make you want an iPad. Edible cupcake toppers for the video game obsessed. 5 upcoming tech products at CES made just for moms.The iPhone is finally coming to...
Look ma, there’s a monkey in my food!

Look ma, there’s a monkey in my food!

My son is the proud owner of a Skip Hop Zoo Backpack (a froggie, in case you were wondering), so when I found out they were making a line of tableware to match, I got excited about the idea of luring my son to dinner with something besides bribery. Skip Hop’s...
You can even eat the dishes

You can even eat the dishes

Having recently introduced my girls to the joys of Willie Wonka (yes the original. Sheesh.) they became instantly fascinated with the idea of a teacup that you could actually eat. I had to explain that it was just a movie, and that no, we can not actually eat our...
I heart I LEGO NY

I heart I LEGO NY

After many months of buzz, hoopla, and general fanfare, I finally got around to checking out Christoph Niemann’s I LEGO N.Y., and as a native New Yawka, I know can’t imagine what I had been waiting for. This board book is everything I love in a...
This week on Cool Mom Tech

This week on Cool Mom Tech

In case you were too busy playing with your new iPhone over the holidays, here are some top picks on Cool Mom Tech you might have missed this week– including old things, new things, and really expensive new things that might change the world.1. Big news about...