Time to go bananas

Time to go bananas

I’ll grant you that — my son’s nickname being Monkey, after all — my fondness for all things primate-related may be a bit beyond that of the average person. Still, if you don’t think this little monkey clock by Tree by Kerri Lee is...
An alphabet with attitude, dude

An alphabet with attitude, dude

Frankly, I’m not certain I’m actually cool enough for this Alphabet Learning Poster, but let’s just say I desperately want to be. What’s not to like about an alphabet where L is for Love, X is for Malcolm, and Z is for Zeitgeist? Oh, and...
Take me out to the ball game

Take me out to the ball game

Even since having my son a couple of years ago, I’ve noticed the boys’ room decor options are getting way better. Even if you like the more traditional themes, like sports, you’re not stuck with some uninspired wall border of soccer balls or ugly...
It’s a bird! It’s an origami!

It’s a bird! It’s an origami!

I love the idea of decorating your baby’s nursery like it’s a real room and not a clearinghouse for fluffy lambs and bright colored safari animals. Not that I don’t love baby decor, but in this economy, when you’re trying to get the most of the...
Hugs make the world go round

Hugs make the world go round

Call me a total dork, but I get all teary and melty every time my three year-old hugs one of her friends goodbye. There’s is something beyond adorable about two little girls squeezing each other tight– and anyone who disagrees has a heart of coal and dryer...