Stick it; stick it good

Stick it; stick it good

Why give a goodie bag full of useless plastic toys that will break five minutes after you give them out, when for the same price you could give each party attendee three sheets of personalized stickers that go with your party’s theme? At least that’s how I...
Get on track with Mommytrack’d (for free)

Get on track with Mommytrack’d (for free)

I’m unlikely to buy any sort of paper planner, because I’d probably lose it, for one thing, but also because I prefer lists and diagrams and other things scribbled on the backs of napkins. (What?) I like organization in front of me when I need it, ready to...
Sending out an S.O.S.

Sending out an S.O.S.

There’s nothing quite like those halcyon days with the new baby; the staying awake for hours on end, the endless crying, and — my personal favorite — the occasional complaint from a (usually childless) friend that you’ve fallen off the planet....
Take note

Take note

I don’t care how many emoticons you use or how pithy an email you write, nothing will ever take the place of a thoughtful hand-written note. I still get a thrill when I receive an envelope in the mail from a friend, which is why I think the Signature Card series...
Let’s shower, baby

Let’s shower, baby

I realize that baby showers are about celebrating the impending arrival, but it’s also about giving the expectant mom some props as well, right? That’s why I’m loving the Sweet Dreams Boy baby shower invitations from mom-owned Pretty Printing which...
Anything but utilitarian

Anything but utilitarian

The name is something of a misnomer, because everything at designer Susan Fisher’s utility:home is a bright, shiny reminder that even the ordinary can look extraordinary.Their greeting cards are fabulous, of course — the patterns pop, and even the...