by Cool Mom Team | School Gear
I’ve learned that as my kids get older, they will have plenty of time to use their decked out backpacks with the 400 pockets and zippers. And I’ll have lots of chances to clean them out. But for my little preschooler, I’m digging the new simple...
by Delilah S. Dawson | School Gear
My job as a parent has always been playing defense, which is why I’m the one who slathers the family in SPF 50, sorts the recycling, and saves fifty cents on black beans with a coupon. My favorite strategy these days is reusing bags, and my favorite reusable...
by Cool Mom Team | School Gear
We’ve long adored the cute, unique little kid backpacks from Little Packrats (now PVC-free, by the way!), but now that some of our little kids are turning into big kids, we’re glad that they’ve added some new bags just for them. The new bigger bags...
by Cool Mom Team | School Gear
We’re lunch packers around my house, but when there’s no microwave to heat up anything, it makes it challenging to pack the hot lunch my daughter would beg for. Too bad we didn’t have new Crocodile Creek insulated food jars, now at mom-run boutique...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Baby, School Gear
Sure, my husband is happy with his solid blue, no-name water bottle. But he also eats the exact same ham sandwich every day and owns an endless army of white socks. Me, I want my environmentally conscious, BPA-free water bottle to be as colorful and artistic as the...
by Cool Mom Team | School Gear
I can’t believe I’m already looking at back to school items for my kids, but that I am. So I checked in to see if last year’s CMP find, Dabbawalla Bags, was doing anything new for 2010. And that they are. Good stuff too! I adore this Union Jack lunch...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, School Gear
We’re huge fans of the Dante Beatrix backpacks for almost too many reasons to mention–the eco-friendly materials, the perfect toddler sizing, the adorable designs. How’s that for a start?Now the company is simply named Beatrix NY. And to celebrate...
by Cool Mom Team | School Gear
I’ll never be the eco-mama who reuses plastic wrap or gives up the soft toilet paper for the stuff that feels like newspaper. Mostly I look for small changes I can live with, and one of those has been cutting down on my reliance on disposable plastic snack bags....
by Cool Mom Team | School Gear
Now’s the time in the school year that moms are figuring out whether that cool lunchbox you bought for your kid actually does the trick, or whether it was more cute than functional. Luckily, I fared pretty well (thanks Cool Mom Picks – heh), but if you...