by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
This is a sponsored message from Upromise by Sallie Mae Saving money for college just got a whole lot easier thanks to the Upromise MasterCard, which can help you earn up to 10% cash back just by shopping the way you already do. With 5% back when you shop...
by Stephanie Mayers | Art + Decor, Helpful Services
Hooray! You have a baby on the way and pretty soon your nesting instinct is going to kick into hyperdrive. If you’re like me, you excitedly clear out the spare room eager to start decorating for the new bundle and then…you hit a wall. Between lack of time...
by Kristen Chase | Helpful Services
Music is such an important part of children’s lives from both an educational and entertainment standpoint. As a former music therapist and college professor I might be a little biased, but there are plenty of personal stories and scientific studies to back up...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes, Helpful Services
Even though I love wine, I find the experience of selecting wine a little overwhelming. I never remember what I love most, can’t seem to buy the same bottle twice (unless, of course, it’s a wine I didn’t enjoy), and always feel like I’m relying on others to figure out...
by Kristen Chase | Food + Recipes, Helpful Services
I’ve been wanting to check out Blue Apron for a while now, especially after seeing so many friends, whose foodie sensibilities I trust implicitly, give this subscription food delivery service a thumbs up. If you’re not familiar with Blue Apron, they...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
This is a sponsored message from Amwell. When you’re a parent, anything that helps you save time is a lifesaver. A new one to add to your list: Amwell, or American Well, a smart app and online teleheath platform that’s saving parents tons of time,...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
This is a sponsored message from For parents with advanced learners, it can be tough to know how to meet their academic needs and keep them challenged. Whether you’re looking to give yours an educational boost or want to provide them with...