by Christina Refford | Uncategorized
I don’t remember having trouble learning how to use a straw but, then again, I’m about four decades past that stage in life. It was my kids who made me realize that “straw use” was going to be another one of those odd little skills I was going...
by Stephanie Slate | Baby, Beauty + Cosmetics
If there’s one baby product that’s made a name for itself in the last few years, it’s the cotton muslin swaddling blanket. Yes, we’ve been tracking down the best ones for quite a few years now, but they’ve never been as beautiful and...
by Stephanie Slate | Baby
It’s got to be said: I’ve never been a big fan of the in-line stroller concept. I was always worried that the poor kid in the bottom kind of gets the shaft, staring at the back of a seat for the whole ride. Much to my surprise however, all it took was one...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
It’s just a few days until the beginning of September which means it’s time for our next fab subscribers-only giveaway, and you’ll definitely want to be part of it. Become a Cool Mom Picks subscriber before 9/1 and you’ll have the chance to...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Baby
If there’s one thing a new mom needs–besides a post-partum doula who does dishes and makes sushi from scratch–it’s baby recommendations from someone who’s been there. After all, that embroidered silk blanket from Aunt Edith is fabulous,...
by Stephanie Slate | Baby
The first time you travel with a baby in tow is shocking, to say the least. If you thought you were an over-packer before, suddenly you feel like you might need to rent a moving truck just to get your things to the cottage. Each precious piece of gear seems more...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
This post is brought to you by our sponsor, Up All Night, the new NBC show starring some of the coolest and funniest parents on TV like Christina Applegate, Will Arnett, and Maya Rudolph.When I was pregnant with my first daughter almost 8 years ago, I remember being...
by Stephanie Slate | Baby, Food + Recipes
When you enter the solid food stage of babyhood, you see how messy a tiny baby can really be. Newborn spit-up has nothing on mashed bananas and avocado, right? The Moxie Bib is one of those why-didn’t-I-think-of-that mom inventions that I don’t know how I...
by Stephanie Slate | Baby
Surely I’m not the only one who’s often grossed-out by restaurant high chairs? They’re handy, yes, but they’re usually filled with the remains of some other kid’s meal. This is just why the new Phil & Ted’s Lobster seat comes in...