by Caroline Siegrist | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Tips + Tricks
Now that we’ve found new school clothes and back-to-school gear for all our kids (well, mostly), parents are now moving onto worry #2 — how to avoid back-to-school sickness. My family has already been through hand-foot-and-mouth disease and a wicked...
by Liz Gumbinner | Back to School Shopping, School Gear
As we start to get settled into our back-to-school routines — and that includes realizing what gear is missing from last year, what we’ve forgotten to pick up, and what our kids have already lost (gah!) it’s the perfect time to welcome back our...
by Kate Etue | Storage + Organization, DIY
I’ve done some browsing to find some of the best printable academic calendars, or as you may call them, school year calendars. You know — the ones that start in August or September, when the school year does, and go on through next summer. Because...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
As much as we would love to tell you how wonderful the morning routines are in our homes, complete with kids eating a healthy breakfast, packing their own lunches, and finishing up their morning chores before heading out the door (and of course, not even once playing...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
These days, enamel pins or uh, backpack bling has become essential accessorizing for the back-to-school crowd. So of course, mom that I am, I love the new collection of enamel pins featuring children’s book characters. How many have your kids read? Related: 9...
by Liz Gumbinner | Back to School Shopping, Kid Style, School Gear
We of course love t-shirts for our kids featuring their favorite superheroes, pop culture references, rock bands, and athletes. And our kids love them too. But there’s something extra special about the t-shirts that show the world who our kids are, and not just...
by Caroline Siegrist | Back to School Shopping, School Gear, Tips + Tricks
Lately I’ve been thinking about the kinds of comfort items I can pack to help relieve some of my son’s back-to-school anxiety. He’s starting preschool for the first time (wow!) which means I’m expecting knots in the stomach, sweaty hands, and...
by Lexi Petronis | Back to School Shopping, Tips + Tricks
I’ll be honest, I don’t have a whole lot of time for planning creative’ first day of school photos for my kids. Between making sure everyone remembers to put on shoes after a no-shoe summer and packing up 47 pounds of school supplies, our first day...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast, Storage + Organization, Tips + Tricks
While we’re enjoying a little time off for summer, we’re updating some of our greatest hits Spawned episodes you might have missed — starting with “organizer for the real world” (as we call her), Laurie Palau of Simply B Organized. She...
by Liz Gumbinner | School Gear, Kid Style
We’re big fans of Parkland Bags, the label making the affordable, great-looking, eco-friendly backpacks that you might have noticed all over our back-to-school shopping guide this year. They’re all made from recycled water bottles, which already puts them...