Scrub-a-dub-dub, Zoo Zuds in the tub

Scrub-a-dub-dub, Zoo Zuds in the tub

I love the idea of all-natural soaps, but often I don’t actually love the actual all-natural soap. Sometimes they just seem… I don’t know. Fussy. Slimy. And weird-smelling.So you have to believe me when I tell you that hand-made Zoo Zuds, currently...
Preschoolers in the Hood

Preschoolers in the Hood

It seems like hooded towels only come adorned with zoo animals and licensed characters, and considering my daughter isn’t into monkeys anymore and I’m not so into Dora, our options are pretty limited. That’s not the case, however, since finding the...
Clean as a European Whistle

Clean as a European Whistle

You’ve heard about bathing your baby to relax them before bedtime, right? Not necessarily so. My older daughter screamed bloody murder at bath time until she was well past her first birthday. Not so relaxing. How I wish we’d had the Spa Baby European Style...
Green Up, Green Up, Everybody Green Up

Green Up, Green Up, Everybody Green Up

If you’re not yet familiar with Method Home, you haven’t been in my bathroom where the pink grapefruit liquid soap is a permanent fixture.(Don’t worry, you’re not missing much not having been to my bathroom.) Their nifty line of household...
Baby Zen Guarantees No More Screams…Er, Tears.

Baby Zen Guarantees No More Screams…Er, Tears.

My babies aren’t babies anymore, but that doesn’t stop them from acting like babies on occasion. In particular, my son is prone to shrieking like a lamb at the slaughter if a single molecule of shampoo or conditioner hits his precious eyeballs while...
Hooded animal towels, and they aren’t even scary!

Hooded animal towels, and they aren’t even scary!

I decided early on in my parenting career to eschew hooded towels with larger-than-life animal heads on top, simply because all the ones I saw scared me. If some humongo, limp-necked terry cloth duck head with threads hanging off the misshapen mouth was freaking me...