You Can Be My Cowboy

You Can Be My Cowboy

When you speak, fair Cool Mom Picks readers, we listen. And so when you write to us and ask us ever so politely for more boy gear, we can’t help but oblige, even though tracking down boy gear that doesn’t scream "I love sports and tractors" is...
A Remedy For That Not-So-Fresh Feeling

A Remedy For That Not-So-Fresh Feeling

Once they’re past that delicious newborn phase, kids (and their rooms) do not continue to smell like sunshine and rainbows. After a couple of serious playground sessions, my girls’ rooms take on that not-so-subtle twinge of sweaty sneakers and I’ve...
Just Call Her Spike

Just Call Her Spike

You wouldn’t know it to look at me, but this mellow mama’s got a punk rock interior. Fortunately (I think) my older daughter’s inherited a bit of my hidden dramatic side. So we had the best time recently playing with the Hair Putty from Love Me Baby...
Don’t Drop The Soaptopia

Don’t Drop The Soaptopia

When you’re a parent, one of the first things to go–besides your figure–is personal grooming. My feeling is that you’ve got so little time in that shower, you’d better be using products that make it enjoyable as possible. As in: Not...
Free-Range Rubber Duck

Free-Range Rubber Duck

If you’ve always liked the idea of rubber ducks for your kids but don’t like the idea of more plastic crap in your bathtub, here’s a solution: A real rubber duck. Like, one actually made out of rubber. We found this one at GrassRoots. The site claims...
Recommended by Doctor Mom. And Us.

Recommended by Doctor Mom. And Us.

When I met the delightful MD Moms behind the innovative MD Moms Baby Silk line of baby products, I instantly wanted to take them home with me so they could dispense calming pediatric advice even at wee hours of the morning. Okay, and give me free baby products too....
The End of Shrieking Wet Baby Syndrome

The End of Shrieking Wet Baby Syndrome

There’s nothing like seeing your happy, warm, water baby turn into a screaming cold monsterwhen you attempt to extract her ever so quickly from the bathtub. Even the most highly skilled supermom does not have the power to wrap that baby up quickly enough to...
Another Good Reason to Bathe Daily

Another Good Reason to Bathe Daily

More and more, I am asked by friends to point them towards something reeeeeally special for their cousin’s/sister’s/husband’s supervisor’s wife’s baby shower. Not just the same old special that I recommended to someone else, but...
Shouldn’t the Baby Smell Better After the Bath?

Shouldn’t the Baby Smell Better After the Bath?

I have learned over the past 18 months that fancy packaging is no indication of a great baby lotion. I started with the highest-end, la-di-da, imported line of products, only to find they reeked like a perfume counter saleswoman exploded all over the nursery. Now...
Not Everything In The Bath Has To Be a Duck

Not Everything In The Bath Has To Be a Duck

I have a definite nostalgic side to me. Don’t even get me into a conversation about 80s music or 70s Saturday morning TV unless you’ve got a few hours to kill.So when I perused the hip mom-run e-boutique Baby Oh My and found these groovy non-slip tiles by...