The best best best hand lotion

The best best best hand lotion

I like to think I’m something of a hand lotion connoisseur. With the constant post-diaper hand washing, I’m glopping on the stuff at an alarming rate. I’ve tried pretty much every brand on the market and have always walked away wringing my (dry)...
Bite Beauty – Younger looking lips in a swipe

Bite Beauty – Younger looking lips in a swipe

I usually prefer lip balm over lipstick, but a new line of anti-aging lip products (yes, anti-aging) is totally making me reconsider. Bite Beauty, which launched exclusively at Sephora last month, is the first lipstick line to contain resveratrol, the antioxidant...
Combating winter skin in time for spring

Combating winter skin in time for spring

A momma friend taught me a simple premise years ago – if a product is genuinely gentle enough for your baby’s delicate skin, it’ll be kind to your sensitive skin, too. That’s how I started using Combat-Ready Balm, formulated for babies and...
An organic remedy for little chapped lips

An organic remedy for little chapped lips

The harsh, dry winter weather has not been nice to my toddler son’s skin. He has red, rough patches of skin on his face and his tiny lips are all chapped (sad face). I had been afraid to put any ointment on his lips until I discovered Erbaviva’s Organic...
Temporary tattoos get artsy

Temporary tattoos get artsy

Great art is beautiful, interesting, well-crafted, and has staying power.Surprise! That also describes these cool new temporary tattoos by one of CMP’s favorite designers. Our old pals at Wee Gallery have found a fantastic new way to pepper the world with their...