by Eva Glettner | Books for Adults
I’m a big fan of Jane Roper, because I love any author who is willing to laugh at herself. Since 2007, Jane has been baring her soul for the world and now, she lets us into the nitty gritty details of raising twins with a fantastic new book that will speak to...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
Love it or hate it, if you’re a parent, you’ve got to feed your kids. Whether you already cook nightly or…not so much, but want to cook more, these, six of my staple cookbooks, provide just the inspiration you need to get food on the table with a...
by Eva Glettner | Books for Adults
Okay so who isn’t at least somewhat fascinated by celebrity baby names–especially those from the rock stars we know and love. Sometimes I wonder if they have any regrets. (True Story: a friend of mine named her baby a name she wasn’t completely sold...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
We think that books make the most perfect gifts any time of year, and Mother’s Day is no exception. So for those literary mamas in your life, here are are suggestions of a few terrific Mother’s Day gifts. Bonus: There’s less lead time on these than a...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
Anyone who’s familiar with the uber popular blog The Bloggess, by Jenny Lawson, won’t be surprised in the least that her new memoir Let’s Pretend this Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir) is spit-bourbon-out-your-nose funny. You won’t be...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Beauty + Cosmetics
If you’re like me and on your second or third (or more!) kid, you already know which products will keep you feeling beautiful while you’re pregnant, and keep baby bouncy once she’s out in the world. You probably also hiss and hide behind your arm...
by Barbara | Books for Adults
I’d prefer one dozen versions of the “where do babies come from” talk with my kids before I’d sign up for even one “and this is how money works” discussions. I can cheerfully rattle off twenty-seven slang terms for body parts, but...
by Eva Glettner | Books for Adults
Trish Herr takes homeschooling to an entirely new level. Instead of white boards, we are talking white peaks. Her children carry backpacks with more than just pens and pencils–think emergency supplies, whistles, and trail mix. In this very unique memoir,...