by Rita | Baby, Books for Adults
After researching my proposal for my own parenting book (Ahem, Sleep Is for the Weak, shameless plug, shameless plug) I thought I’d read every baby handbook on earth. And, I admit it, I became really jaded and snooty about them. Let’s just say...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
Wondering if you could point me toward a cool, creative book about playroom design or a website/book that showcases creative kid spaces in general? Can’t find anything beyond the usual pink teddy bears… -Courtney You’re a mom after our own hearts,...
by Rita | Books for Adults
Linda Rosenkranz and Pamela Redmond Satran raised baby naming to an art form with their original 1988 baby-naming book, Beyond Jennifer & Jason – names that practically seem pedestrian with today’s Talullahs and Artemises. Now the authors are...
by Rita | Books for Adults
Fellow blogger and Vanity Fair contributor Brett Berk has unleashed on the world his parenting perspective with The Gay Uncle’s Guide to Parenting: Candid Counsel From the Depths of the Daycare Trenches. Berk obviously has no uterus and no children. That said,...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
The funniest thing I’ve seen in a good long time is the satirical new website, Let’s Panic About Babies! which just launched today. Think of it as a cross between What to Expect When You’re Expecting and The Onion. It might even be funnier than the...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
You know who you are, you design-crazy parents: You scour flea markets looking for vintage picture books to turn into nursery art, you spent more time picking paint colors than pediatricians, and your greatest dream is to discover some lost Eames crib prototype on a...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
I reaped so many giggles from If These Boobs Could Talk that I couldn’t wait to read Shannon Payette Seip and Adrienne Hedger’s follow up book, Momnesia. The title alone was enough to make me nod my head in total agreement. Momnesia features nearly 100...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
The fact is, we’re all busy and busy doesn’t always bode well for the good gift intentions that we always have. But if you’re shopping for last minute Mother’s Day gifts for that favorite mother, grandmother, or best friend mother in your life,...