Boys love playing daddy, too.

Boys love playing daddy, too.

I have nothing against boys embracing pink, but when I went to buy a little boy doll for my nephew to love while his mama was caring for a newborn, I found that 99% of the baby dolls in the big toy store were of the female persuasion.France’s Corolle, the maker...
Pegs are not just for legs

Pegs are not just for legs

If bobblehead dolls have taught us anything, it’s that adults can now play with toys in public. Hence my complete lack of shame in adoring the simple yet amazing hand-painted peg dolls from mooshoopork on Etsy. Especially the sassy pirates. And girl pirates...
Well, hello kitty

Well, hello kitty

It turns out our Valentine’s Day card contest did more than help us put together one cool card, it also introduced us to some really exciting new artists. One of them is Montreal’s Stay Home, which makes all kinds of happy little felt things from custom...