Starting babies on organics early

Starting babies on organics early

I still remember my daughter’s first “friend” – a garish stroller toy that we dubbed Guy the Giraffe pronounced the French way, Gee, because it was the one sound my three month-old made. Oh how she loved that thing. And sucked its antlers....
An online craft fair for the eco-conscious

An online craft fair for the eco-conscious

“Think big, shop small” is the call to action from a gorgeous site called Cosa Verde. have some of my favorite buzzwords from the get-go: Handmade goods, independent artists, and sustainably made. It’s like an aggregator of beautiful items from...
Mommy, where do organics come from?

Mommy, where do organics come from?

This here city mama is lucky that my children have grandparents in the country who grow tomatoes and kale and sweet peas and wild strawberries, so that they can learn that no, vegetables do not come from aisle 3. I’ve always thought that learning about food,...