by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
If you’ve got a five-year-old daughter (or thereabouts) then you know the story well. Someone (*coughGrandmomcough*) buys her Polly Pockets and you end up spending most of your time searching for the ridiculously small shoes in your vacuum filter. So, I’m...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Beauty + Cosmetics
Writing for Cool Mom Picks is pretty much my dream job, and I get to review some truly amazing stuff. I can shout at the top of my lungs about how much I like a product, but the real test is this: Did I go back and buy more? When it comes to Soapwalla Kitchen, the...
by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
After stumbling upon the Design Your Own eggheads felt book from Beeper BeBe, I’m on the verge of nixing the whole Easter basket thing and going with Easter presents instead. because really, when you add up the price (and let’s face it, the play life) of...
by Stephanie Slate | Cards + Stationery
As a former buyer of books for a chain of toy stores, it’s pretty much redundant for me to tell you that my children have amassed quite the library. But when you’re five (or, say, twenty-nine-and-a-half years older than five), you can sometimes be a little...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Toys + Playthings
When I was a kid, a tent was a musty quilt over a card table, and it was heaven. Kids have it a little better today, and the magic of a secret fort lives on with the fantastic card table playhouses by Miss Pretty Pretty of Imaginative Play Toys. Check out the pirate...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Art + Decor
I have a cow when my little deers jump on the couch, but I’d be lion if I didn’t confess to fawning over the crazy creatures at WildLifePrints, a fun new shop on Etsy. (Ha sorry, couldn’t resist.)Award-winning photographer Jeff Friesen wanted to meld...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
The weather is turning here in the South, which means that winter coats are way too heavy after the first few morning hours, while the super light spring jackets are too light. So it’s the perfect time for my fave in-between season cover-up, the poncho. We just...