by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
We are an unapologetic game-playing household for sure, whether it’s the kind on the teevee or the kind in the box with pieces that end up under our couch. As far as the video kind, we’re always looking for options we can either play with our kids,...
by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
We’re board game freaks around my place, and now that I have kids old enough to play, we usually have game night at least once a week. That is, if we have all the pieces to them these days. Well hallelujah for a new event that’s letting you trade in your...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
As a homeschooling mom, my kids know that I’m often trying to sneak learning moments into our day. Unfortunately, they are now old enough to resist my attempts to shove some factoids down their throats; often they aren’t trying to be mean, it’s...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
There’s nothing like finally taking that summer vacation and then getting stuck in the hotel while the skies rain down on your plans. To save us from extreme hotel ennui, I make sure we take along a few easy-to-pack games to help us pass the time until the sun...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
I admit that I was a little nervous about my 3.5 year old starting preschool this fall because he’s the second kid and well, I’m just amazed that he knows how to count to ten. But thanks an ingenious new learning tool, I’m feeling confident that...