Clothes made for women. And not the perfect ones.
When I was pregnant with my first child, I went a little crazy with the maternity clothes. And although my husband raised a skeptical eyebrow and tut-tutted about me buying items that I would — he insisted — never wear again after pregnancy, I proved him...
Oh, The Pictures You’ll Take!
My daughter loves Dr. Seuss. She also loves the camera on my iPhone. Put these together and you have a four year old in Seussian snap happy heaven, and a mother who can’t check her e-mail or play Words With Friends when her kid is around.The Dr. Seuss Camera,...
Want Your Enfant To Passez La Baguette? There’s An App For That
I have this fantasy of one day living in Paris, in some old, sunwashed apartment on one of the old arrondissements. Trouble is, although I read French – a hangover from graduate studies – I don’t speak much of it, and what little of it I do speak is...
Here Be Monsters – And Birds And Robots And Squids – For Your Little Monster
You’d think that with all those businesses out there designing hip/cool/adorable/clever tees for kids, a mother would be able to find at least one sweet monster design that was exactly to her taste. I mean, robots are everywhere. So are space aliens and bug-like...
Need Santa? There’s An App For That
I don’t need to tell you that it might be handy to be able to program calls from Santa into your phone, for when you want to remind the kids that he knows when they’re naughty or nice. Or to be able to pull, right out of your pocket, video to show a...
Maternity Spanx! At last, at last!
I can say, in all honestly, that there have been times when I would not have gone out out in public had I not been wearing my Spanx. That has everything to do with the way Spanx just makes everything feel so supported, both in the lift-and-smooth kind of way and in...