Delicious Butters and Beans

Delicious Butters and Beans

I like to give crafted baby items made of fabric that are as soft and as safe as possible. And if they look fabulous? Even better. A brand new organic baby line is in town (virtually), and the fabrics are sophisticated enough for grown ups, too. [don’t miss...
5 new mom must-haves

5 new mom must-haves

The more kids I add to my brood, the more aware I am of what I absolutely do not need as a mom. But more so, I’m now completely convinced of what I can’t live without. This is the kind of thing I wish someone had shared with me waaaay back when I spent too...
Not your department store baby registry

Not your department store baby registry

I still remember what a pain in the neck it was for my now-husband and I to register when we got married. First of all, it was in the days before those handy little scanner things. Second, I wanted an iron and he didn’t and there was a big debate –we...
T is for tushie

T is for tushie

If you ask me, babies’ butts might be the cutest things in the whole wide world: Squeezable, kissable and downright delish. (Am I revealing too much here?)So when I saw this new collection of custom baby bloomers and boxers with initials sewn onto the tush area,...
A mobile that really moves

A mobile that really moves

It’s no secret we are big fans of Houston designer Melissa Borrell, having selected her stainless steel jewelry as a 2009 Pick of the Year. But her product line extends far beyond amazing jewelry.I am thrilled to see that she has turned her talent...
Ooh, Lala

Ooh, Lala

Everybody goes gaga for a squishy new baby. Not only do they look like Winston Churchill and smell like heaven, but you can dress them up the cutest little thumb-sized shoes without the scuffing and “Oops, we left it at the playground” issues you get once...
Indie lullabies? That would be a yes.

Indie lullabies? That would be a yes.

Going back a few years, I held fast to the belief that if I was going to be stuck out of my bed in the middle of the night rocking an infant, I deserved to play a little night music that would be awesome and make us both (oh please, oh please) fall asleep. So...