by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion
Recently I was honored to attend the Girls & Women Initiative’s AYA Summit, in which my eyes were opened to so many remarkable ways that people devote their lives to women and girls around the world who are disproportionately affected by poverty. One...
by Kristen Chase | Fashion
If I put it out into the universe that I really like personalized jewelry gifts, do you think people will get the hint? If not for me, then for everyone else–perhaps the special people on your own holiday lists, especially when it’s all 20% off for a...
by Stephanie Mayers | Fashion
When I first moved to New York City I quickly realized that good shoes and socks are a must in this town of walking, walking, walking. Since then I have become something of a sock connoisseur. Seriously. I need socks that are stylish, comfortable and, of course,...
by PJ Feinstein | Fashion
Your little girl might be too young to wield a power saw, but she can learn to appreciate the craft of woodworking at any age with, of all things, tiny architectural jewelry. I’m impressed by the Joinery Series earrings from Pico Design, which is designed to...
by Stephanie Mayers | Family Travel
I have toted diapers, work stuff and even my computer in Orla Kiely bags and have become an avid fan, so I was shocked to find out I was not the first of her cult followers to learn that the popular designer had partnered with Target for an affordable cosmetic bag...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Kitchen + Dining
Every day is National Coffee Day for some of us, which means that every day is also Wow, I Need Something to Put All This Coffee In Day. We’ve rounded up some of our favorite funny coffee mugs that might make you smile when there’s basically no reason to...
by Kristen Chase | Kitchen + Dining
You know what’s awesome? When a favorite artisan or etsy shop of mine decides to brand out a little beyond their regular spate of offerings. That’s exactly what happened with Foxy and Winston, whom I loved for their cool letterpress and now for...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion
If you love the written word, if you’re an avid supporter of your local library, or if you think Fahrenheit 451 should be required reading for anyone over the age of five, you might already know that this is the start of Banned Books Week which, honestly,...