It’s booties season, baby

It’s booties season, baby

Just because I don’t have a baby anymore doesn’t mean I can’t drool over cute felt booties like these handmade beauties. Each pair of these adorable baby booties is made by hand, using felt and soft wool to keep those sweet little toes warm all...
Leg warmers are back: Oh, what a feeling

Leg warmers are back: Oh, what a feeling

While I’m not looking for a return to Flashdance fashion per se, I love the new trend of seeing legwarmers and woolly knee-highs poking out of tall boots. It’s not just chic, it’s so practical. The boot warmer leg warmers  from uber-knitter Ozetta on...
The impressive genes of super crafters

The impressive genes of super crafters

I am so inspired looking at the finalists of the Handmade Charlotte Family Craft Challenge, mainly because I would never in a milion years come up with any of them. Or, I might, but they’d never come out this amazing.  The fun part is you can click over...