Dress-up clothes? Reader Q + A

Dress-up clothes? Reader Q + A

My daughter is turning three soon, and I want to put together a dress up box for her. Any ideas for a great Etsy costume shop? She wants an astronaut costume but I need it to be something she can get on and off herself. Any other ideas? -Alison Hi Alison, We love your...
Handmade pillows to make you smile.

Handmade pillows to make you smile.

With a new couch on the way (yippee!) I’m preparing to say goodbye to the saggy, dog-scented, claw-worn monstrosity. It’s easy. Trust me. One of the fun things: Shopping for new throw pillows. I’m thinking with a red TV and entertainment console and...
Meet the Easter Bunny’s competition

Meet the Easter Bunny’s competition

Don’t tell the Easter Bunny, but there’s a new rabbit in town. Actually, a few new rabbits. Mirabelle is a dancer and Balthazar is a magician and I think they probably have French accents. Don’t they look like they would be great guests at an...
Bizarre love triangles

Bizarre love triangles

Usually, when I hear the words “geometry” or “polymer clay,” I start daydreaming about cupcakes until the conversation comes back around to something I dig. Like cupcakes. But as soon as I saw the cool jewelry by nomilktoday, I perked right up....
Hey, baby. Here’s your sign.

Hey, baby. Here’s your sign.

Well, I do believe I have just discovered the most original new baby gift on the planet. Bold proclamation, I know, but have a look at these new custom birth charts by Amy Karol –yes, she of “Bend-the-Rules Sewing and Bend-the-Rules with Fabric fame. And...