A gift for kids that doesn’t stink.

A gift for kids that doesn’t stink.

When I was little, getting useful gifts was always a huge bummer. Then again, my Great Aunt Hilda usually went for the half-price, open-package soap-and-undies combo pack at KMart. True story: One time, they even had World’s Best Lover printed across the tush. I...
What present will make Grandma the absolute happiest?

What present will make Grandma the absolute happiest?

One year, I got my mom an electronic photo album for her holiday gift. Well, that was a flop. She told me she really wanted a regular photo book of her grandkids, just like I gave her the year before. But, I like to complicate things! So, the next year, I gave her a...
It’s in the bag.

It’s in the bag.

We’re now formally in the “handing-someone-a-bottle-of wine” season, and while most of us can simply stick a bow on it and pass it on, there are times when that bottle needs a little more oomph than a plain brown paper bag or a crinkled sheet of...
I’m dreaming of a papery Christmas

I’m dreaming of a papery Christmas

I do the vast majority of my communicating via email but I still love sending and receiving handwritten notes, opening a really cool party invitation or getting an almost-too-nice-to-write-on notepad for my desk. (Don’t worry,...
Customized champagne has holidays written all over it

Customized champagne has holidays written all over it

A lot of us are probably more used to popping bottles of milk and apple juice than champagne these days. But the holidays call for sparkle–and I’m talking fancy shoes, party dresses, and champagne, not Elmer’s glue and glitter (as much as I am...