by Kristen Chase | Uncategorized
Are you still looking for a few awesome last-minute gift ideas for Christmas? We know you’re out there, and we’re here to help. So if you’re like us, and you’re still finishing up your Christmas shopping, do not panic. Heck, do not panic if...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
It’s just four days until Christmas and even the procrastinators are sweating. Yes, we are talking about our ourselves. Since we don’t think we are alone in the holiday hustle, we’ve been scouring the web to find out the shipping deadlines of some...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes, Tips + Tricks
We had the best time over the past month, partnering with Amazon Free Time to throw a couple of fun press and blogger holiday cocktail parties in Philly and Atlanta. Our aim was to give parents a little more me time (Get it? Free Time for me time?) in...
by Kristen Chase | Uncategorized
As busy parent with Christmas right around the corner (ten days as of today, to be exact), I am thankful for places that make it easy to get all the last-minute stuff that I forgot to get but really, really need, in one handy place, like our sponsor CVS. Who you may...
by Christina Refford | DIY
I have had such a great time this week looking for ideas for DIY ornaments for the kids. After all, one of my favorite parts about decorating for the holidays is seeing the Christmas tree ornaments my kids have made over the years and hey, we’re always open to...
by Liz Gumbinner | Toys + Playthings
Hi Cool Mom Picks! Can you put together some unique holiday gift ideas for creative kids that go beyond the same craft kits I see everywhere? Thanks so much! Ooh, I love this question. We know that all kids have creativity in them, so Cool Mom Picks is always...
by Kristen Chase | Uncategorized
There’s really not much you can do to make a baby cuter at the holidays, because the tree, the lights, the adorable little red sweater and well, it’s a party full of screaming ovaries. But add in the Santafier pacifier, and you might people spontaneously...
by Kristen Chase | Uncategorized
Based on what you’d see in pretty much every text message on my phone right now, it’s clear that emojis aren’t just for kids. Yes, I might have even used one in an email the other day. I know I’m not alone in the grown-up emoji-lover camp,...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
This year, we notice just how much we’ve been writing up cool gift ideas and toys for kids and mentioning, but we’d like one too. It’s like the fantastic innovations in toys plus our need as adults not to feel quite so adult is colliding, and...
by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
We’ve got a few passionate skateboarders in our lives so we’ve been super excited to have the opportunity to spend some time searching around for cool skateboarding gifts then sharing our faves. We are stoked (see how we did that?) to welcome them,...