by Liz Gumbinner | Kitchen + Dining
We’ve officially entered hostess gift season, which happens to coincide with fresh produce season season. Which gives me an awesome idea. Visit Ross Lab on Etsy for this gorgeous made-to-order, handmade ceramic berry colander and then hit your local...
by Kristen Chase | Kitchen + Dining
Sometimes a great bottle of wine or a handmade candle makes the perfect hostess gift. But when you need something extra special, I think I’ve found a winner. This custom personalized wooden serving tray is simply gorgeous. A fabulous hostess, housewarming, or...
by Liz Gumbinner | Art + Decor
I kind of love everything from Jonathan Adler. Especially the scents of his new candles, which are sure to make your home smell greenmarket-fresh, even if you’re just cracking open canned…whatever. Don’t expect the traditional nutmeg, peppermint or...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kitchen + Dining
With Halloween an entire day behind us, our thoughts at Cool Mom Picks already turn to the best holiday gifts. (We can’t help it!) So when I saw these beautiful little Japanese bowls on sale, I thought, ooh…hostess gift. The modernist Japanese bowls at...
by Liz Gumbinner | Random Coolness
While we love tracking down hostess gifts for all those summer weekend invitations, it probably doesn’t end with Labor Day. Especially with the holidays (eep!) coming up. So I love this fabulous, affordable gift that feels a little more fall than summer. The...
by Liz Gumbinner | Food + Recipes
I have a big love for finding the perfect hostess gifts for those overnight or weekend invitations that crop up over the summer–if we’re lucky. (Hint: feel free to invite us! My kids eat nothing and we bring good hostess gifts.) While some friends have...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
Of all the gifts my sigOth has given to me over all the years, there’s one that I think might be my very favorite: garden shears.Yes, garden shears. And I don’t even have a garden. We are rarely without cut flowers in the house, and it kind of makes me...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kitchen + Dining
I have a thing for tea towels, but most of the ones I see fall squarely into the Country Living school of design. What, cityfolk don’t dry their dishes too? So I was happy to be introduced to San Francisco studio Studiopatro, which makes lovely linens in more...