by Kristen Chase | Uncategorized
There’s really not much you can do to make a baby cuter at the holidays, because the tree, the lights, the adorable little red sweater and well, it’s a party full of screaming ovaries. But add in the Santafier pacifier, and you might people spontaneously...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
On this episode of Spawned with Kristen and Liz, we were determined to help you with those hard-to-shop-for adults on your list, so we’re giving out tips and dishing our our own favorite gifts from our 2015 Holiday Gift Guide. Plus, we have a good laugh about...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
Considering it’s the holidays and all, and you just may have holiday shopping on the brain, we thought we’d do something totally crazy and devote two entire episodes of Spawned to helping you with your holiday shopping! This week, we’re all about...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
We figured this was a pretty good time to start looking around at some great — and effective — books about manners for kids. I’m sure you feel me; my family calendar is already so booked over the next couple months, which means lots of opportunities...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
Okay so yeah. The Starbucks red cup controversy. We just couldn’t help but weigh in on whether we approve of Satan’s own minimalist design on this week’s Spawned with Kristen and Liz. Then we talk about raising kids in a world that’s so...
by Liz Gumbinner | Beauty + Cosmetics
The team at Cool Mom Picks always makes fun of me because of my strange aversion to nail art. (Seriously, do you see any nail art on our Pinterest boards? Exactly.) The way some people hate feet, I’m a little weird about close-up photos of nails. And yet...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
In honor of our 21st episode birthday (because that’s totally a thing, right?), we’re talking about booze! Just wait until you hear what Kristen mixes vodka with. And, let’s just say we get into a little vent session about Pinterest Syndrome. Do you...
by Liz Gumbinner | Baby, DIY, Fashion, Kid Style
First, you have to laugh at a shop called Wool and the Gang. (Take a sec…okay, there you go.) But when you look at their amazing selection of hand-knit accessories, and the knitting patterns you can buy, it turns out it’s a massive resource for hip, cheeky...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
Since you guys had such strong opinions about handwritten thank-you notes on our Facebook page last week, we decided that we needed to tackle the topic on today’s episode of SPAWNED with Kristen and Liz. Is a text or email message okay or completely...
by Liz Gumbinner | Baby, Kid Style
I laughed so hard when I found this adorable Mama said there’d be days like this onesie from Little Adi, inspired by the Shirelle’s popular song lyrics. Was there ever a more perfect song chorus that’s applicable to those early baby months, even it...