by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
I am so losing myself in this awesome collection of t-shirts on from Stereotype Design. Each one describes a popular movie in a single sentence–like if you were a screenwriter, only you had to pitch the screenplay it just took you 12 years to write on...
by Kristen Chase | Fashion
It used to be that you couldn’t find funny reusable grocery bags. Back when we started seeing them blow up for the first time, if anything at all was printed on them, it was usually some chest-beating statement about how super eco-friendly you are–pretty...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Obsessed with Pinterest as we are? Follow us for fun finds like these every day, from our site and beyond. 1. Every mom needs this coffee mug at some point. Mornings are a good start. 2. A gorgeously affordable necklace perfect for holiday festivities. 3....
by Liz Gumbinner | Helpful Services
For the last year, I’ve been partnering with American Express, in part because I love Amex (member since forever) and partly because when I see those awesome Tina Fey commercials, I’m now sure we’re really just two degrees from being best friends. If...
by Kristen Chase | Fashion
I realize that kale does not need any more positive publicity these days, but now it’s not only super healthy and delicious (mostly, anyway) but it’s funny too, thanks to this reusable grocery tote bag at West Elm. Especially perfect for those of us...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Looking for the original “I gave you life, you give me your Reese’s” Halloween meme? Well, here it is. Because we wrote it. Even if you see it out there with someone else’s name at the bottom (ahem). Happy Halloween to all the...
by Christina Refford | Kid Style
Once your kids get too old for our awesome Baby Halloween Costume ideas, they may want to come up with a group costume that involves their friends, as is the case with my own kids this year. So gather them around the computer–or just send them the link to this...
by Christina Refford | DIY
We always have the best time each Halloween poking around the web looking for the most awesome baby costumes. But the truth is, we’re busy! While some of you blow our minds putting those sleepless hours to use building outrageous costumes, we know there are tons...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Kitchen + Dining
Every day is National Coffee Day for some of us, which means that every day is also Wow, I Need Something to Put All This Coffee In Day. We’ve rounded up some of our favorite funny coffee mugs that might make you smile when there’s basically no reason to...
by Kristen Chase | Fashion
If you’re like me, the hardest part about switching from plastic bags to reusable grocery bags was remembering to actually bring them, which is why this tote bag from Emily McDowell (love her!) cracked me up. Of course, this cute bag can’t actually force...