by Liz Gumbinner | Kitchen + Dining
While it’s still a little cold in my neck of the woods — because, April in New York — we’re getting a little spring fever around here and we’re determined to get outside more. Even if jackets are required. Next week, we’ve got plans...
by Stacie Billis | Kitchen + Dining
In an effort be more eco-friendly, we’ve all been using more plastic wrap alternatives. After all, being eco-friendly also means cutting back on food waste by wrapping up leftovers; and making the most of pre-made staples like pre-cooked pasta and rice or diced...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kitchen + Dining
Sometimes it’s fun just sharing one cool thing I’ve found, and because I’m online basically all day, you know…looking for cool things, I’m excited to do more of this here. Today I stumbled on Fiesta Kitchen Towels and I couldn’t...
by Cool Mom Picks Deals Team | Living
Are you excited about updating your home decor for spring? You’re in luck because we have a list of 8 shops that you might not have considered for beautiful, affordable, lovely things. Whenever people think about refreshing their furniture, or home decor, or...
by Liz Gumbinner | Baby, Easter Gifts, Toys + Playthings
Looking for cute Easter gifts for a baby’s first (or second) Easter is always so fun. So much cuteness! So much pastel! So many rabbits! And the best part is, you can save all the good chocolate for yourself. We skipped the fussy baby bow ties and itchy...
by Cool Mom Team | Living
This is a sponsored message on behalf of ECOVACS In our own pretty vast experience with robotic vacuum cleaners, we can say with certainty that not they are not created equal. So, if you’re looking for a one-stop robot that mops and vacuums your floors without...
by Kristen Chase | Kitchen + Dining
With school around the corner — which means sports and activities and all the things that keep us all very busy — the challenge of keeping our kids (and ourselves) hydrated is top of mind. Actually, if I’m being honest, it’s always at the top...
by Kate Etue | Kitchen + Dining, Tips + Tricks
I committed to switching to reusable bamboo paper towels recently, in part at the urging of my teens. The realities of climate change — and the constant important conversations about it in the media — is a very real stressor for my kids. Especially since COVID, when...
by Liz Gumbinner | Living, Baby, Cool Tech, Toys + Playthings
Each year, we try to go through all the clutter and crap, and put together the best Amazon Prime Day deals for you. I mean, with all due respect to the “flash deals” on Amazon Prime Day that look like your Great Aunt Hilda just cleaned out her attic, This...
by Kate Etue | Tips + Tricks
Target has rolled out their Black Friday deals way early this month, so there’s no need to wait until after Thanksgiving to do your holiday shopping. Which is good, considering we are so down with the retail therapy right now. So we’ve put together the...