Oh the places you’ll go, looking cute

Oh the places you’ll go, looking cute

I’m a big believer in traveling with kids. It’s never too early to expose them to other cities, other cultures, other foods, and hopefully, the ability to behave on an airplane. (Oh please oh please!) I’m always looking for travel goodies that help...
A chore chart that doesn’t look like a chore.

A chore chart that doesn’t look like a chore.

The chore chart that has worked the best for my family so far been a (not-so-pretty) laminated list with my kids’ pictures that I made myself. But even then, I can’t really add or change jobs unless I make a whole new chart, which made them obsolete a few...
Toy storage solutions? Reader Q&A

Toy storage solutions? Reader Q&A

We have wood crates, with toy fruit and veggies, crafts, blocks, trains, etc., but no way to store or organize them. Do you have a toy storage solution? Do you dump everything by category into bins or baskets, and shelve them that way? Thanks in advance, and while I...