by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
We are always looking for products that help keep our kids safe at the pool, whether it’s a big community pool or something smaller in our friends’ backyards. Last year one of the coolest safety products we discovered was iSwimband, an excellent wearable...
by Christina Refford | Family Travel
One of the first rules of summer camp, other than Sunscreen Sunscreen Sunscreen, is to label every single thing your kids take with them. Including the sunscreen. While a Sharpie can do the trick on some products, we love colorful labels that affix to all of their...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good
There’s not one of us who didn’t grow up facing some sort of bullying. Did I ever tell you about the girls who called my number in high school and hung up every half hour, for hours and hours into the night? (That was before caller ID.) Then there was the...
by Cool Mom Team | Entertainment + Media
We’re so happy to be back with our third #UnguiltyPleasures video episode! (Can you tell we’re having fun?) This time we’re talking about food. More specifically, the foods we love — but maybe we’re not supposed to love quite as much as...
by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks
It’s probably no surprise that I have a penchant for shopping, but for about the last six months in particular, I’ve actually been trying to cut back, seeing as how we’ve now got braces, and summer camp, and hopefully a family vacation to save for....
by Kate Etue | Books for Adults
If you’ve parented toddlers, you’re probably familiar with Todd Parr’s children’s books, and his distinctively child-like illustrations. Well, my interest was piqued when I found out about his free new ebook that happens to be for parents this...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips + Tricks
Beauty is a delicate thing to talk about, especially as a mom raising girls. I want my girls to feel great about themselves no matter what; but I can’t deny that beauty is a part of our society — whether you define that as simply putting yourself together...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Next up in our series of #UnguiltyPleasures (you did catch us confessing all our binge watching secrets, right?) is online shopping. And yes, that’s probably kind of obvious considering what we do here at Cool Mom Picks. But we just love how little treats for...
by Kate Etue | Doing Good
This year, April 24-30 is World Immunization Week, and based on the screams emanating from the pediatrician’s office on my last visit, I’m guessing this isn’t one my kids are thrilled about. But as they get older, they’ll know why they should...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips + Tricks
One of my most prized possessions is a photo of me holding my daughter, flanked by both my mother and grandmother, Momsie. Four generations of strong, first-born women together for a brief time on this earth. As we come up on what would have been her 97th birthday, I...