One Year to an Organized Life with Baby

One Year to an Organized Life with Baby

Even if I had known about One Year to an Organized Life with Baby when I was first pregnant, I probably would have been too disorganized to read it. We had recently moved to a new house and to say we were unprepared is an understatement. We were fools. No, we were...

Talking parenting with Katie Couric

Yesterday, Cool Mom Picks editor-in-chief and publisher Liz Gumbinner joined NurtureShock co-author Ashley Merryman to talk with Katie Couric about some of today’s hot parenting topics on Katie’s excellent CBS News webshow, @katiecouric. If you...
Spit That Out!

Spit That Out!

I’m not the Most Neurotic Mom in the World, but some days I feel I’d make it to First Runner Up, ready to step in, should she be unable to fulfill her duties. I work hard to give my children a healthy, positive, eco-friendly environment, and that means...