Storytelling made easy – just add imagination

Storytelling made easy – just add imagination

My kids love “writing books,” and I love that they’re being creative, but I don’t always love the Don Music-esque cries of, No, it’s supposed to be a yak and I can’t draw it right! I’ll never get it! Can you draw it for me?...
Consider it an app for free fries

Consider it an app for free fries

Yeah, sometimes we want to hit our favorite restaurant and the kids can nibble off our plates or make do with — gasp! — adult food, but other times we’re faced with the realities of a tight budget and wanting to keep the peace. With Kids Eat For...
Tweet your dream trip. No seriously. Like, now. Do it.

Tweet your dream trip. No seriously. Like, now. Do it.

So I just got home from Barcelona. Yes, that Barcelona – the one with the chorizo and the Gaudi buildings and the people saying grathiath. Believe it or not, I won a trip there from a Tweet Your Trip contest sponsored by the travel site, Voyage.TV. Which is was...
You blink and they’re grown? Yeah, pretty much

You blink and they’re grown? Yeah, pretty much

I’m having trouble deciding which I think is cooler–GrowShow’s free and easy program to create a progressive slide show/movie of your child’s growth, or their ingenious picture frames that can be configured in nearly endless ways.The slide show...