Hearthsong is a sanity saver

Hearthsong is a sanity saver

We at Cool Mom Picks may be great at finding stuff, but that doesn’t mean we’re so great at remembering to actually buy it ourselves in a timely manner. With an uncompleted shopping list that includes a newborn, a few toddlers, some kids and a couple of...
Just ducky

Just ducky

The ordinary rubber duck received a needed makeover a few years back, when BUD luxury rubber ducks started invading bathtubs. Funky and fun, they didn’t just look cool, these Australian born duckies ditched the phthalates long before anyone knew what that even...
Shop for Anissa, today!

Shop for Anissa, today!

A few days ago we told you about our friend and fellow blogger, Anissa Mayhew, who suffered a severe stroke in late November. We are so pleased that today is Shop For Anissa Day in which more than 60 businesses have agreed to donate a portion of today’s sales to...
The little red wagon gets a makeover

The little red wagon gets a makeover

When we made the move to suburbia, one of the first purchases we made was a wagon. But like most people, we were limited to what we could find at our local chain store, which was definitely about functionality and not at all about sleek modern design.Lucky for you,...

9 reasons to do your Black Friday shopping online

As if you needed any other reason than preservation of all sanity to avoid the lines at the malls today, we thought we’d remind you just a few of the reasons why we simply love shopping online. 1. Shopping in your slippers. Even the old, nasty ratty slippers....
They’ve Got Mail

They’ve Got Mail

It’s no secret that mail is cool. I’ll bet I’m not the only person who still gets a little flutter of excitement when I come home to see envelopes poking out the top of my mailbox. In fact, I know I’m not the only person because my daughter...