Penguin Love

Penguin Love

2012 may be the year of the dragon, but the penguin still needs some attention. And  just in time for Valentine’s Day, we’re found one of the cutest ever ways for a baby to wear his love for penguins–or his love for love–on his...
Owl love you forever

Owl love you forever

Owls are some seriously cool animals. They have big eyes, they’re nocturnal, and they “whoo.” They’re also the requisite cute kids motif of the decade, which you know if you’re an avid Cool Mom Picks reader.You know what’s cooler...
From Cradle to College

From Cradle to College

I love that furniture designers have stopped looking at cribs as a utilitarian object, and started embracing their artistic nature. GroFurniture is a stunning new eco-friendly furniture line, all made in the USA by real furniture artisans. It was started by a husband...
A cradle that will rock more than your baby

A cradle that will rock more than your baby

File this one under “Ever-Growing List of Gorgeous Things Celebrities Own That We Never Will.” It’s pretty much the most beautiful cradle I have ever seen. With the most extraordinary price tag. The So-Ro Cradle (“be calm” in Norweigan)...
An affordable toddler bed to swoon over

An affordable toddler bed to swoon over

Toddler beds are really glorious things. They ease the transition from the warm and cozy crib of yore, and the big bad bed of the future. And they’re awesome for small spaces. The problem is that these little beds can come with a big price tag, and since they...
Peacock Sighting!

Peacock Sighting!

There was quite a bit of peacock hype this past week in NYC with the escaped one from Central Park Zoo, and I am fully expecting a summer trend of feather flaunting as a result. If so, the timing couldn’t be more perfect for this new storage box from the masters...
3 insanely crazy high-end cribs. Prepare to gawk.

3 insanely crazy high-end cribs. Prepare to gawk.

At the end of the day–and there really is an end of the day, when baby has no choice but to conk out, at least for a little while, anyway–all you really need is a good, sturdy crib so that your little one is safe and snug, right?Well, maybe not. For some...