Just what the future doctor ordered

Just what the future doctor ordered

There’s something that seems to be universally fascinating to kiddos, generation after generation, about playing doctor – and by that, I mean the kind with stethoscopes and tongue depressors and a plethora of toilet paper “bandages.” My...
If they had a hammer. . .

If they had a hammer. . .

When my kids were little, they had a bunch of plastic “tools” that they could use around the house. But once they outgrew these toys and actually wanted to “saw” something, I was at a loss since our real tools were just too big and dangerous....
Tetris, now in 3D. Also, no screen.

Tetris, now in 3D. Also, no screen.

For those of you like me who spent far too many hours playing Tetris on your Gameboy (RIP), you’ll know instantly why I thought these blocks for kids were a fantastic idea. The Tetris Blocks by Kubix come with 50 colorful, geometric blocks that kids can lie flat...
Wooden pull toys – Remember those?

Wooden pull toys – Remember those?

7Long ago, before everything had a battery, lights, and played annoying music of some kind, kids actually had to power their own toys. And as much as I have an appreciation for power toys in my arsenal of parenting tricks, I just love a simple wooden toy with a...