Into the wild blue yonder

Into the wild blue yonder

Since my husband is a pilot, you can probably guess the amount of plane toys and clothes we’ve got strewn about our house. But we have yet to see anything like the Margalo Aviator Cap from Soil. Modeled after a classic pilot’s cap and even featuring a set...
Revved up like a deuce

Revved up like a deuce

An occupational hazard of writing for Cool Mom Picks is spending waaaay too much money buying all the cool stuff you’re writing about. One glance at this original 1970s Olds print and my 8-year-old was declaring he had to have it.It’s not surprising...
If these walls could read

If these walls could read

Ever been tempted to rip the pages out of your kids’ books and hang them on the wall?  Is that only me?  Oops. I’m tempted by every single framable children’s book illustration by illustrator Adam Record of Fall Down Tree, a man so cool and...
Finally a glider with a lifespan

Finally a glider with a lifespan

We all think that we’ll use our baby gliders once the little ones become big kids, but if your glider looks anything like most glider chairs, then I’m here to tell you that, no. You won’t. However Q Collection, as part of Q Collection Junior, has...
Schlemiel! Schlemazel!

Schlemiel! Schlemazel!

The picture that comes to mind when I hear “doll” and “completely recycled materials” together in one sentence has never quite looked like the spectacular looking Binky Buddies recycled dolls from Hasenpfeffer Incorporated. Using a variety of...
The fairy [quilt] godmother

The fairy [quilt] godmother

We’re lucky enough to have a great-godmother (is that what they’re called?) who has made a gorgeous quilt for each of our kids. But if you’re not as fortunate as we are, then you can always commission one from Olive Jane Designs.Designer and mom of 4...