by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast
It’s been some year. To say the least. With the holiday season in full swing, it can be tough to find the joys in a tough world, let alone trying to make happy holiday memories for our kids. And in doing so, moms often put ourselves last. How can moms be part of...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
With my oldest heading off to college this fall, I’ve been thinking about all the things kids should know before leaving home. And it’s a lot. In fact I’ve found myself in a sort of panic mode wondering whether she knows some basics to help her...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast, Books for Adults
I could not be more thrilled to share this wonderful interview with award-winning TV reporter/producer/mom Kate Brookes, author of the upcoming Transister: Raising Twins in a Gender-Bending World. While our conversation is super helpful for parents looking for advice...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast, Books for Adults, Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
With U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy introducing new social media guidelines for children in the past few weeks, social media and mental health is all any parent we know is talking about. Especially with summer here. So I immediately reached out to one of my...
by Kristen Chase | Spawned Podcast
It’s always a pleasure to chat with Dr. Lisa Damour, New York Times best-selling author, podcast host and psychologist, about parenting teens. In this Spawned episode, we’re talking specifically about the emotional lives of teenagers, based on her newest...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast, Books for Kids
Sometimes kids get in trouble, not because they’re doing bad, but because they want to do good, though they just haven’t quite figured out all the boundaries yet. It’s such a good reminder for parents. It also happens to be the premise of the...
by Kristen Chase | Spawned Podcast
Every single time I’ve interviewed Dr. Ken Ginsburg, my life has changed for the better. And well, the life of my kids, too. So, you can guess how excited I was to sit down with him and chat about his newest book about parenting teens: Congrats, You’re...
by Kristen Chase | Spawned Podcast
As parents, we know that there are going to be difficult conversations that we need to have — about sex, violence, relationships, substances — but it can be hard to know how to actually talk about them. That’s where author Michelle Icard can help. Her book,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast, Tips + Tricks
Is a messy desk a sign of a messy mind? Is organization something we just have to give up for a while as parents? Is a single, perfect whiteboard the key to solving all your time management woes? Sarah Hart-Unger of the podcasts Best Laid Plans and Best of Both Worlds...
by Kristen Chase | Spawned Podcast
As a mixed-race Chinese American, I’ve struggled to feel a sense of belonging. I grew up feeling more accepted by the German (white) side of my family. Then, as I got older, I learned more about the Chinese side of my family and felt a connection to the...