A is for Anhui, B is for Beijing

A is for Anhui, B is for Beijing

As a writer I’ve always subscribed to the adage, "write what you know." And I assume the same goes for other art forms as well. (Paper maché what you know!) So it’s not surprising that prolific illustrator and photographer Stephanie Wise...
Encourage Her Shoe Fetish

Encourage Her Shoe Fetish

I’m a minimalist when it comes to dressing babies: No jewelry, no fancy hats, and no booties. My girls didn’t wear shoes until they could walk, and I still grin at the professional portraits we have of them with bare toes peeking out from underneath their...
Born with a silver shoe

Born with a silver shoe

Just because the holidays are behind us doesn’t mean it’s time to put away the sparkle. Especially when it’s as subtle as the lovely silver mary jane baby shoes from Chickpea Kids. I fell in love with these butter-soft lambskin shoes when I first...
These children’s shoes go to Eleven

These children’s shoes go to Eleven

If you need another reason to be happy it’s spring, just check out Eleven’s new Spring line of kids’ shoes. A sort of “big sister/big brother” to our fave See Kai Run, Eleven offers children’s shoes in bigger-kid sizes 9 to 3....
Eleven Shoes get a perfect 10

Eleven Shoes get a perfect 10

When my girls hit shoe sizes in the double digits, I was dismayed at how grown up some of the styles were.  Heels for a preschooler? Eek.Thankfully, the new line of fall shoes by Eleven, the big brother/sister line of CMP fave See Kai Run, gives my growing five...
Chocolate Goes With Everything

Chocolate Goes With Everything

Lately I’ve got a thing for brown and pink on my little girls. Pink because, well…duh. And brown because it’s less severe than black and less expected than navy. So what caught my eye at new family-run treads for tots store My Little One’s...